Publications of the KKNMS
Your search in the archive “Publications of the KKNMS” returned the following results:
Nurse-led immunotreatment DEcision Coaching In people with Multiple Sclerosis (DECIMS) – A cluster- randomised controlled trial and mixed methods process evaluation
Von Rahn et al, erschienen in „Patient Education and Counseling“ (May 2024)
Multiple sclerosis endophenotypes identified by high-dimensional blood signatures are associated with distinct disease trajectories
Von Gross et al, erschienen in „Science Translational Medicine“ (March 2024)
Factors associated with depressive mood at the onset of multiple sclerosis – an analysis of 781 patients of the German NationMS cohort
Von Salmen et al, erschienen in „Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders“ (September 2023)
Association of obesity with disease outcome in multiple sclerosis
Von Lutfullin et al, erschienen in „Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry“ (November 2022)
Subcortical Volumes as Early Predictors of Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis
Von Fleischer et al, erschienen in „Annals of Neurology“ (Januar 2022)
Sunlight exposure exerts immunomodulatory effects to reduce multiple sclerosis severity
Von Ostkamp et al, erschienen in „Proc Natl Acad Sci USA“ (Januar 2021)
Pain, depression, and quality of life in adults with MOG-antibody-associated disease
Von Asseyer et al, erschienen in „European Journal of Neurology“ (Januar 2021)
Clinical implications of serum neurofilament in newly diagnosed MS patients: A longitudinal multicentre cohort study
Von Bittner et al, erschienen in „EBioMedicine“ (Juni 2020)
Alemtuzumab therapy changes immunoglobulin levels in peripheral blood and CSF
Von Möhn et al, erschienen in „Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm“ (Vol. 7, Nr. 2, März 2020)
T1-weighted intensity increase after a single administration of a linear gadolinium-based contrast agent in multiple sclerosis
Von Grahl at al, erschienen in „Clinical Neuroradiology“ (Februar 2020)